Evaluation Criteria
FOSTECT grants projects based on the following principles
- Project feasibility and conformity to TDTU's development guidelines;
- TDTU’s scientific committee evaluation based on the opinions of leading experts in the respective field; and
- Objectivity, honesty, and fairness;
- Research project adherence to international standards.
Selection Criteria
- The project must have the potential to be published in a quality peer-reviewed international scientific journal using Ton Duc Thang University’s journal ranking index;
- The project must have the potential to be granted an international patent;
- The project’s research outcomes must have applicability in a non-research setting; and
- The project must be novel;
- The project must have specific targets;
- The project must employ sound methodology to achieve research objectives;
- The researcher’s principal investigator and research team must demonstrate competency and possess experience in their respective field;
- The project’s facility requirements must be feasible;
- The project must have the ability to enhance international cooperation;
- The project must not exceed established budgets.
Eligibility of the Principal Investigator
- Must possess relevant knowledge, skills, and abilities to complete the project;
- Be a current researcher member at Ton Duc Thang University with a valid contract/appointment, oversea professors and other researchers (approved by President of Board of Management of FOSTECT);
- Have a robust publications record with publications in quality peer-reviewed scientific journals ranked by Ton Duc Thang University;
- Have current research within the past five years in an applied setting;
- Exceptional cases are approved by the President of Board of Management.
Eligibility of the Research Team
- Possess the appropriate qualifications and skills in the respective research field.
Research outcomes and evaluation process
- The principle investigator of a project must be an author of the project’s publications; and
- The main author (first author or corresponding author) must be a member of the research team; and
- In the case where there are other sponsors beside FOSTECT, the research results will be shared with all sponsors on all published works; and
- The product’s ownership will be defined based on any contract signed between FOSTECT and the principal investigator; and
- The evaluation process is conducted by independent experts and a scientific committee established by FOSTECT.
Research evaluation criteria
- The evaluation of a project will be based upon a pass or not pass score. To achieve a pass score, a 75% passing vote must be received by the evaluation committee.
(Extracting from Decision No. 20/2014/FOSTECT-QĐ about "Evaluation Criteria of FOSTECT" signed by President of Board of Management of FOSTECT on 14/02/2014)